Elite Canine Semen | Ethical Dog Breeding Services
Boise Doodle Co. offers the option to provide and deliver poodle and doodle semen nationwide. Overnight shipping is available anywhere in the United States for $200-$400.
All litters guarantee 2+ puppies or free rebreed when the bitches owner is using progesterone testing. To ensure a litter, your female's ovulation schedule is necessary. A Letter from the vet stating that a litter was not produces is required.
$500 reservation fee once your female starts her heat cycle to reserve your place on their schedule.
Full Payment is due 24 hours prior to shipment. There are no refunds.
Up to 2 side by side ai’s are included with each service. If you’d like to do additional, the cost is $150.
You also get my experitise and guidance throughout. I have a deep understanding of genetics, health and temperment. I am able to help guide you in choosing the best stud based on what you are looking to produce.
See below for additional information and a link to our contract.
If you have any questions about our
available dogs for stud, please contact us!
Available Stud Dogs
AKC Mini Poodle Stud
12' tall and 12 pounds
Stud fee will be $2000
Embark Link Available
Clear Poodle Panel; 2 ivdd markers
OFA Prelims available upon request
Proven with multiple litters
Genetically Clear
BB kyky atat Ee Ssp
Pennhip & Ofa prelims available
Has thrown some of the most incredible babies
Poode and Doodle Friendly
Our last shipment was over 1 billion sperm count and 97% Motility -
AKC Standard Poodle
Tuxedo Brindle Pointed Phantom
Genetically clear
Bb kbrky atat spsp
Brown Phantom AKC Miniature Poodle
Genetically Clear
Embark Link available
Pennhip pending
bb kyky atat Ssp
"Gabanna" Grand Teton
Gentically Clear
BB kyky atat Ee spsp
Estimating 17” Tall
18 lbs
Beautiful structure and very sweet temperment.
Pennhip and OFA prelims pending
AKC Standard Poodle
Genetically Clear
BB Ee kyky atat Ssp
8/10 red Intensity
Proven with Multiple Litters
26" Tall ; 50 lbs
Hamilton "Knox"
AKC Standard Poodle
Genetically Clear
Pennhip and OFA Prelims available
tested via embark
Proven with multiple litters
AKC Miniature Poodle
Genetically Clear
Bb kyky atat EmE spsp
Ready Winter 2024
Geneticaly Clear
Bb kyky atat SS Ee
7/10 red intensity
Pennhip & OFA Prelims
Proven with multiple iitters
Genetically Clear
Bb kyky atat EmEm spsp
Penhip and OFA Prelims
Bb kyky atat Ee spsp
Pennhip and OFA Prelims
AKC Intervariety size Stand Poodle
Genetically clear
Bb kyly Ee atat Ssp
17” at he shoulders
22 pounds
Mini Golden Mountain Doodle
18 lbs
16” Tall
bb kyky atat ee Ssp ; FF ; - + Curl
5 red l 5 cream instenisty ; beautiful tuxedo
Embark Link Available
He is proven with several dozen litters
$1800 Stud Fee
wavy coat
F1b Mini Bernedoodle Stud
25# ; 19” Tall
Stud Fee $2500
Pennhip and OFA Prelims
1 copy IVVD
Ee kyky BB atat M*m SS
+/- Curl
9/10 Intense Red
FI Furnishings
PROVEN STUD ; Has had 4 litters
73.1% Poodle 26.9% Bernese Mountain Dog
F1 Mini Aussidoodle
2 blue eyes
bb kyky atat
Stud Fee will be $1500
Free ai onsite if you come here.
Will be available Summer 2024
Mr Emmett is incredibly sweet and smart! He is not wild and crazy or high energy like you would think an aussidoodle would be. He’s milk mannered, eager to please and learns incredibly quickly.
9% GR
+/- Coat ; FF
Proven Stud with Multiple Litters
800 milion + semen count \ 95-97% Motility
Multigenerational Bernedoodle
30 lbs
Bb kyky atat Ssp
FI ; ++ curl
Cobby style Blocky body and personality coming out of his ears. He is an incredible boy that is very loving and kind. Eager to please, loves car rides and kids. He's never met a stranger
Upcoming stud pending Health Testing
Genetically clear
Multigenerational Bernedoodle
30-35% Bernese
Genetically Clear
Multigenerational Standard Bernedoodle
65 lbs
30% Bernese / 70% Poodle
Kona (Hidden Creek Kennels)
Description goes here -
Willie Nelson
Mini Goldendoodle
Clancy James | "Jimmy"
F1 tiny toy Schnoodle
Coming Soon
Genetically Clear
Info Coming
Wavy Coat Medium Bernedoodle
Fall 2025
Straight Coat Mini Goldendoodle
Stud Service Policy & Terms
At Elite Semen Services and Boise Doodle Co, we are committed to providing high-quality stud services and ensuring the best possible experience for our clients. However, certain factors beyond our control, such as weather and carrier delays, may impact the shipping process. The following terms outline our policy regarding unforeseen circumstances and guarantees:
Shipping and Unforeseen Circumstances
We strive to ensure timely delivery of semen shipments. However, we cannot be held responsible for delays or disruptions caused by:
Weather conditions
Carrier closures (e.g., FedEx facility closures)
Natural disasters or other events beyond our control
In the event of a delay caused by such circumstances, we will do everything in our power to assist in finding alternative solutions. This includes researching other shipping options and contacting airline personnel. Despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee delivery times when circumstances are outside our control.
Live Litter Guarantee
We offer a live litter guarantee of 2 or more puppies, provided that:
The bitch owner performs proper progesterone testing to determine the optimal breeding window.
A letter from a licensed veterinarian stating that no puppies were produced is submitted to us.
If no puppies are produced despite following these guidelines, we will provide a new semen shipment for the same female during her next heat cycle at no charge for the stud fee. The bitch owner will be responsible for the following:
Cost of shipping
Shipping container/box fees
Refund Policy
We do not offer refunds under any circumstances. Our live litter guarantee ensures that you will have another opportunity for a successful breeding if no puppies are produced. By agreeing to use our stud services, you acknowledge and accept this no-refund policy.
By proceeding with our stud service, the bitch owner acknowledges that:
They have read and understood this policy.
They agree to the terms outlined above.
They accept the responsibility for shipping costs and box fees in the event a replacement shipment is required.
Our goal is to help you achieve a successful breeding, and we are here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for trusting us with your breeding program.